Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: List of Destitute whites in Augusta and Highland Counties, May 18, 1867

A list of destitute whites for whom Jackson requested rations.

List of Destitute White persons in Augusta & Highland Counties, recommended for Rations by Thos. P. Jackson, Agent

Augusta County
Silas Palmer and two Sisters
Mrs. Bragg & six children
Mrs. Douglass & 3 children
Mr. Wm Davis
Mrs John Bows and four children
Mrs. C. East and two [illeg.] children
all the above from Fishersville, Va
Mrs. Harvey Smith and six children
Mr. Wm Brown 86 yrs old and one daughter 50 yrs old

Highland County
Mrs. M. A. Greer and two children
" Margaret Henderson and 7 children
" Francis Rider and four children
" Catherine Simmons
" Mary Bird & two children
" Elizabeth Vance & one child
" Sarah Erwin & two children
Mr. Morgan [unclear: Given]
Mrs. Morgan [unclear: Given]
John P. Bishop & wife
David Jack
Wm Decroix and wife

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