Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. T. McCormick to Thomas
P. Jackson, April 13, 1867
McCormick makes a statement regarding Madison Taylor, who appears to owe money,
but claims he will not be able to pay until he receives money owed to him. The
exact circumstances of the issue are not clear from the letter.
Office R. F. &
Sub Dist Augusta &
Staunton Va
Thomas P. Jackson
April 13 1867
Goshen Augusta Co
Dear Sir
Your letter is to hand & [added: I] have seen Madison Taylor who came from Charlottesville to this place & is carrying on a shop here he informs me that he owes a Debt in Charlottesville to man he had hired & has money owing to him their & left his [unclear: afcs] to meet the same Also informs me that it will be impossible for him to pay before fall unless he collects his debt in Charlotte he promised me to go to Staunton and see you soon.
I think the constable at for this District is a man by the name of James Culton a
very reliable man. I really dont know who is the officer have been informed
[page 2]
he is the man you can direct your letter to the constable at
Brownsburg Rockbridge Co.
Realy and fortunately in this Goshen as yet we have
had no acasheon for an officer but ever long we will
find out when the storm comes who shall be able to stand. I
[unclear: fully] the [unclear: cordetes] of many
Very Respectfully
J. T. McCormick