Freedmen's Bureau Records: William N. Hardin to
Thomas P. Jackson, November 26, 1867
Hardin writes Jackson that a boy he hired through the Bureau has run away, and
Hardin asks assistance in recovering him.
General Collecting Agency,
Geo. L.
Collecting Agent,
To Agt. Freedmen's Bureau,
Staunton Va.
26th Nov. 1867
Lexington, Va.
My Dr. Sir
I am sorry to say the boy Jeff. whom you hired me some two weeks ago, left during my absence without any cause or provocation. I had furnished him with several dollars worth of clothing & thought he was well satisfied, he is a good boy & any steps you can take to recover him for me will be thankfully recd. He is probably going in the way of Lexington & Lynchburgh. Will you be so kind as to inform the chief of the Bureau of each of the above places of the fact.
Very Truly
Wm. N. Hardin
My address is R. Baths, Rockbridge County, Virginia