Freedmen's Bureau Records: M. G. Harman to Thomas P.
Jackson, January 24, 1868
Harman relates the details of a case in which a young man who was hired out by a
man named Swink, did not complete his contract. The issue appears to be one of
how much money, if any, Swink owes the man.
Capt. Jackson in charge of Freedmans Bureau
January 24 1868.
D. Sir
I made the arrangement with Wash Swink Jr. to take [unclear: Dinna's] Baby Boy John for one year at $4 Dollars per month he commenced about 17th January 1867 and left Mr. Swink about 5 April 1867, [unclear: remaining] 2 mos & 20 days. he states he bought him a pair of shoes for which he paid $3.50 and gave him a shirt & pair pants worth $2.50 as he would [added: have] received if he had complied with his contract $10.47 for the time. In my opinion taking into consideration the time of the year, he kept him, when he was of but little Service to him. I think he has paid him enough unless the Boy is made to comply with his contract & serve the Balance of the Year in which event Mr. S. ought to pay Balance & not otherwise.
Very Rspy
M. G. Harman