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Freedmen's Bureau Records: William M. Tate to Thomas P. Jackson, April 27, 1867

Tate responds to a claim filed against him through the Bureau. Tate claims that while the amount he owes the other party is correct, he is owed approximately the same amount in unpaid rent.

Important Mr. Thos J. Jackson
Agt Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Staunton Va.

April 27 1867


Your note of the 22nd in reference to the claim of [unclear: Theophilus] Randall against me was recd yesterday evening and it is out of my power to go to Staunton to day as you request, I will however [illeg.] in early next week and call at your office.

In the mean time allow me to say that while the amount of $13.90 of Randall is correct, I have an account for rent of house against him of $13.50. I house he occupied against my wishes and to my great inconvenience and annoyance for four months and a half, during which time neither he nor his family rendered me any services whatever.

Respectfully, your obdt servant

Wm M. Tate

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