Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John
A. McDonnell, July 11, 1867
Jackson forwards a claim of almost $500 against the U.S. Government, stating that
while he feels this particular claim is just, he worries that such claims will
be "numberless" if the government begins to settle them.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia,
Capt. John A.
Sub Asst
July 11th 1867
Staunton, Va.,
At the request of Mr. Alexander Anderson of Augusta Co. I have the honor to transmit a claim made by him against the United States for property seized by and furnished to U.S. troops from June 7 to 9th 1864, amounting to $476 0/100. Many similar claims have already been presented and will be almost numberless if the U.S. govt. commences paying them.
For Mr. Alex. Anderson, I can only say that his account is a just statement of his losses, and that his loyalty throughout has been decided and unconditional.
Yr. obt. servt
Thos P. Jackson