Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to John W. Jordan, May 5, 1868

McDonnell communicates with Jordan regarding an appropriation request for the repair of a schoolhouse made while Jackson was agent.

Bureau R. F. & A. Lands
Head Qrs 9th Sub Dist.Va Col. John W. Jordan
Staunton, Va.

May 5th, 1868



Your communication of 1st inst. enclosing Bills and Vouchers for Services rendered and Materials furnished for repair of Schoolhouse at Laurel Hill, was this day received. The appropriation was for forty dollars. The account rendered for material amounting to about that sum (thirty nine 48/100) it is useless to forward for payment this account for services, which is accordingly herewith returned. I presume it is a matter of indifference to Washington which account is paid.

Mr Jackson was only authorized to expend forty dollars, and if Washington on his own responsibility expected more, he

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must expect to lose it.

The purchase vouchers will be immediately transmitted to Richmond for payment.

This appropriation was granted in answer to an application made by Mr. Jackson Mch 9th ult. and was subject to the conditions mentioned in the application, namely that the Trustees should guarantee the use of this building for a schoolhouse for colored children forever. Before advancing the money you will please see that this condition is complied with.

I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt St

John A. McDonnell
Sub Asst Comr

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