Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John
A. McDonnell, May 23, 1867
Jackson asks permission to postpone the registration of marriages and children
among the black community until such time as voters are registered, to save
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia.
Capt. John A.
Sub Asst
May 23 1867.
Staunton, Va.,
I respectfully refer to your communication of date May 15/67 [unclear: advising] that a supply of Blanks had been forwarded for "registry of Children and of Marriages required by Cir. [illeg.] No. 11 S. 1866 HdQrs Asst. Comr.," and stating I am "expected to hasten its completion in (my) Division."
The present is an inconvenient [unclear: season] for laboring men to absent themselves from work and as the freedmen will very soon be called upon to Register [added: as voters] have I your permission to defer the registration of Marriages &c until the time of Registration of voters when all will certainly be present. If the list sent for Augusta County is not in proper form required additions could thus be made to said county register.
If it is absolutely necessary that the register for Highland County should be proceeded with at once, I will have notice given by the local preachers and make record on the Sundays, as the only mode of sercuring general Registry.
Yr obt servt
Thos P. Jackson