Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. J. DeLamater to Thomas P. Jackson, October 21, 1867

DeLamater confirms the admission of two black women to Howard's Grove Hospital in Richmond for treatment for insanity.

Bureau R. F. and A. Lands
Office Surg. in Chf. Dist. Va. Mr. Thomas Jackson
Agent Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Staunton, Va.

Oct. 21st 1867

Richmond Va.


I forward to you enclosed an order to A.A. Surg. D.R. Brown U.S.A. to receive in the ward for the insane at Howard Grove Hospital Richmond Va. for treatment and security of Louisa J. Williams and Lucy Paine indigent insane colored persons, the order being made at your request, with the understanding that the civil authorities furnish the necessary transportation.

I am respectfully yours &c

J. J. DeLamater
Bvt. Lieut. Col and Surg. USA
Surg in chf Dist of Va
Bureau R.F. and A. Lands

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