Freedmen's Bureau Records: Statement of William J.
Points, November 7, 1867
Points records the terms of a separation agreement between Robert and Derinda
White, who although never legally married, lived together in marriage.
November 7th 1867.
Mechum's River,
I hereby certify that Robert White, and [unclear: Derinda] Catherine White, have this day appeared before me, and at their joint request, I make the following statement.
1st That they mutually desire to abandon the relations they have hitherto borne towards each other, as man and wife.
2nd That whilst they were never married according to the forms of law, yet they wish to protest, that they were lawfully (in a moral sense) man and wife; having, at the date of their union, followed the set forms of marriage usual among their class.
3rd That each one has no charge to bring against the other as to any acts heretofore committed by either, but desire to part, only to secure the mutual benefit of both.
4th They desire this separation to be ratified, or consented to, by the legally constituted authorities, and at the same time, that proper settlement be made of any differences as to accounts, which may exist between them.
Wm J. Points, Reg'l Officer
Addendum - 5th These two
parties have mutually agreed that there is no pecuniary or money claim
pending between them.
Wm J. Points, Reg'l Officer