Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John
A. McDonnell, November 6, 1867
Jackson writes about Benjamin Frazier, an impoverished man with family in
Fredericksburg. He details the Bureau's efforts to locate Frazer's family and to
get them to send him some help.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia
Capt. John A.
Sub Asst.
Nov 6th 1867.
Staunton, Va.
Under date July 3/67 I forwarded to your Head Quarters request of Benjamin Frazer (col'd) for help from his family living near Fredericksburg, which was returned to me through your HdQrs Aug. 14/67 attention invited to endorsement of Lt. Hector Sears A.S.A.C. 1st Div. 6 S.D. Va. Aug. 8/67 who said that "Nathan his son would send him some money soon." Benjamin calls again at this office, is in a distressed condition and asks that Nathan send what he can of money as soon as possible or have some arrangements made for reunion of the family.
Very respectfully
Yr. obt.
Thos P. Jackson