Freedmen's Bureau Records: Benjamin Frazier to
Roswell Waldo, December 8, 1868
Frazier writes to Waldo for material assistance for the coming winter. Frazier
notes that he requested help last year also, but did not receive the aid due to
the "rascality of Henry Keys," although what he means by this is unclear. The
letter appears to be written by Jacob Wissler, who also submitted a letter to
the Bureau on Frazier's behalf.
Agt. Freedman's Bureau
Dec. 8th 1868
I spoke with you about a year ago, and you then promised me aid, but the rascality of Henry Keys I did not get them, and as the appearance is for a very severe winter, and my family is clothed very poorly, I will again trouble you, to see if you can extend me any aid, in any shape. Let me hear from you.
Very Respectfully
Ben Fraser Col'd
P.S. anything you may be kind enough to send to Waynesboro, in care Jac. Wissler & Co will be sure to reach me.