Freedmen's Bureau Records: John B. Evans to Roswell
Waldo, September 24, 1868
Evans refers to an arrest he made of an Alex Nelson, who was subsequently
indicted by the Mayor, N. K. Trout, although the charges are not specified in
the letter.
Staunton Tobacco Factory,
John B. Evans
Manufacturer of Tobacco
Mr. R. Waldo
Sept 24 1868
Main Street, Staunton, Va.
Dr Sir
In reply to your note of the 23rd have to say, Alex Nelsons was arrested on my warrent and tried by the mayor N. K. Trout, to whom I gave your paper calling my attention to the case, and had supposed it had all been attended to. I understand from the "Mayor" this morning that he recognized the [unclear: parties] Alex Nelson to answer an indictment before the next Grand Jury. I would however refer you to the Mayor for full particulars as he tried the case.
Yours Resp
Jno B. Evans