Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to Roswell Waldo, December 21, 1868

McDonnell asks Waldo to put his records in order and send them to McDonnell in preparation for the cessation of Bureau activities in Staunton.

Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Head Qrs. 9th Sub Dist. Va. Roswell Waldo
Staunton, Va

Dec 21, 1868



You will systematically arrange and mark the records of your office and forward the same to these Head Qrs by the 25th instant. The charges for transportation of same, will be prepaid, and the amount included in your Portage act. for this Quarter, which should also be sent in, with all your other official Reports &c and all your affairs wound up by that date.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt St

John A. McDonnell
Sub Asst Comr

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