Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to J. T. H. Hall, November 11, 1867

Jackson writes that he has not received an answer from James Woods' attorney, and that Woods' efforts to receive a new trial have been hampered due to lack of funds.

Bu. R.F. & A. Lands
Office 4 Div 9 S.D. Va Lt. J.T.H. Hall
Mil Comr

Nov 11/67



I respectfully return papers of James Woods June 17/67. I have written twice to Mr. James Dorman Esq Wood's counsel, who resides at Lexington, Rockbridge Co. but have received no reply whatever. I have [added: not] seen Woods for some time and when I last saw him he stated that a new trial would have been granted him if he could have given $50 security for costs. The property in question lies in Rockbridge Co.

Very respectfully
Yr. obt servt

Thos P. Jackson

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