Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to J. H.
McKenzie, August 7, 1865
How writes to the Superintendent in Winchester, describing some of the general
duties and responsibilities of a Bureau officer.
Bureau R.F. &
HdQuarters Sixth Dist. Va.
Mr. J. H. McKenzie
Asst. Supt. Winchester, Va.
Augt 7th 1865
Your letters of July 31st & Augt 1st were received during my absence from this place. No passes can be required of the blacks which are not required of the whites.
You say there are many destitute persons dependent on the government for support. See that none are supported who can take care of themselves, and that only parts of the rations are issued to such as can nearly subist themselves.
In settling disputes, hear both sides, and decide the matter -- causing each party to endorse the decision. If either refuse, refer the case to the Provost Marshall, and if possible be present at the trial.
In the case you mention, if the facts are as stated, the guilty ones should be punished for Larceny by the Provost Courts or Civil Authorities, if a fair hearing can be had before them.
If a freedman violates a contract he forfeits his wages, or such portion of them as are deemed just taking into consideration the damages resulting to the employer. If he cannot pay, there again his wages may be attached for the benefit of the former employer. If the employer violates a contract he must pay wages and damages.
You can reprimand but not punish or imprison for debt, a breach of contract
I send such copies of orders as I have received, with blanks and will furnish blank books when obtained.
I am, Sir
Very Respectfully
W. Storer How, Capt
Supt. 6th
Dist. Va.