Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to
Frederick S. Tukey, October 5, 1865
How instructs Tukey regarding a circular that appears to concern the Bureau's
role in mediating disputes within the community.
Bureau R.F. &
Sixth District Va
Mr. F. S. Tukey, Asst Supt
Sub. Dist. B,
Staunton Va
Oct 5th 1865
Your attention is directed to the enclosed Circular from the Asst. Comr of the State, and you will please at once take steps to carry into execution the provisions of that Circular, and until such agents shall be thus selected and ready to act upon the matters specified, you will continue to adjudicate upon all difficulties that may arise between the whites and the freedmen & among Freedmen themselves, except cases involving fines or imprisonment, which will be referred to the Provost Court or other competent military authority.
I am Sir
Very Respy
Your obedt Servt
W Storer How
& A.Q.M.