Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to
Frederick S. Tukey, November 6, 1865
How's letter refers to the physician who he employed to tend to some of the poor
in Augusta County. How instructs Tukey on how to file a request to have the
doctor paid for his services.
Bu. R.F.
HdQrs &c
Mr. F. S. Tukey, Asst. Supt.
Sub. dist. "B"
Staunton, Va
Nov 6th 1865
Winchester, Va.
I relation to the employment of a physician to attend the sick poor, I have to instruct you that no arrangements have as yet been made for the employment, or payment of such physicians.
I presume however that there was an urgent necessity for the services of the one that you report as having been employed, and desire you to have him make out as moderate a bill as he can, on the forms enclosed a (No. 22 [unclear: Q.M.D.]) which you will forward to me, with a statement showing the necessity for his employment in the form of a certificate signed by yourself. These will be sent by me to Richmond for approval and orders thereon.
I am Sir, &c
W. Storer How