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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to George Q. White, December 21, 1865

How writes about how best he may procure his needed supplies.

Capt. Geo. Q. White A.Q.M.
C.Q.M. T.F.A. Richmond Va

Dec 21st 1865

Winchester, Va


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 18th in Reference to Requisitions, and in reply I have respectfully to state that I have not construed the order referred to in the manner which I now see is implied.

Respecting the requisitions already approved I have to communicate the information that stores can probably be most readily obtained from the Depot at Harpers Ferry, as I understand there is an accumulation of QM Property there under the care of Bt. Maj. Geo A. Flagg A.Q.M. (from whom the transportation can certainly be best procurred) and I think he can better furnish the wood which I thought to get delivered at the offices of the several Asst. Supts. and have it paid for in [unclear: Form 12] by Maj. Flagg, who would then issue it to me. I have therefore respectfully to request that the approved requisitions may be forwarded to me in order that I may attempt in this way to obtain the much needed stores.

I am &c

Capt &c

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