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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to Archibald D. Trotter, October 21, 1868

Waldo asks for information about the Methodist Church and its use as a school.

Bureau RF&AL 4th Div 9 Sub Dist Mr. A. D. Trotter
Staunton Va

Oct. 21, 1868

Staunton, Va


By direction of the Military Commissioner I have the honor to ask [unclear: if] you have a written statement in answer to the following inquiries relative to the use of the Methodist Church at this place &c. viz:

Are you a trustee of this church? if so by whose [unclear: request] and by what authority? Is this church used for school purposes? if so - by whom? why? by what authority or by whose permission? [unclear: Has any protest] ever been made against such use? if so by [unclear: whom] & when? - also give any other information you may possess in relation to the matter.

Please give this your Earliest attention.

Very respectfully
Your obtservant

Roswell Waldo
ASA Comr

Copy to Geo. W. Campbell
E.N. Cushing
AM Simpson - Staunton

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