Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to David
Gilkeson, October 22, 1868
Waldo requests payment for Peyton Harris, who was cheated out of two days'
Bureau RF and AL 4th
Div 9 Sub DistDavid Gilkeson
Staunton, Va
Oct 22 /68
Staunton, Va
Complaint has been made at this office by Peyton Harris (colored) that he was employed by you as a hand during your [unclear: threshing this fall] @ 75 c per day - After performing the Equivalent of 2 days labor and finding himself unable to perform the labor of two hands at the machine, which he was required to do, and your [unclear: refusing] to employ another hand which is usually required to fill one of the posts he filled at the machine, he was obliged to stop work. - and taking that as a pretext you refused to pay what was then coming to him ($1 50 ) - If this statement of the case be correct, you will please remit the amount to this office without delay - as the matter has been referred to me for collection.
Very respectfully
Your obt servant
Roswell Waldo