Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to
Frederick Cary, November 3, 1868
Waldo wishes to know the details of a contract between Nicholas Cozzens and
Carey. Carey had promised that Cozzens could live on his land for the fee of
cleaning up the property, but now insists on charging rent.
Bureau RF&AL
4th Div 9 Sub
Frederick Cary, Esq
Nov 3. 1868
Staunton, Va
Sir -
Nicholas Cozzens (colored) complains to this office that you charge him $36 00 for the past years rent of property [illeg.] he lives (Consisting of 11/2 acres of land with [unclear: loghouse]thereon) in direct violation of agreement [unclear: made] between you, which was that he should [unclear: have] the use of house and land during his life time in considertaion of the cleaning up of the same by Cozzens which has been faithfully executed by him - You also threaten him with executions to the amount of rent unless it be immediately paid.
You are, therefore, respectfully requested to make no demonstration toward the ejection of said Cozzens from the premises or Cause your Claim to be prosecuted until the undersigned shall be Convinced of the justice of your Course. to this End you will please file in this office without delay your statement in regard to the agreement between you, & whether you have undisputed title to this land in question.
Very respectfully
Your obt
Roswell Waldo