Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to John Bumgarner, November 5, 1868

Waldo wants to know if Martha Hanger is available and willing to teach at a new freedmen's school in Mt. Solon.

Bureau RF&AL 4th Div 9 Sub Dist Jno. Bumgarner
Arbor Hill Va

Nov 5. 1868

Staunton, Va

Dear Sir: -

James W Cochran (colored) of Mt. Solon informs me that there are about 30 colored children in his place who [unclear: would] attend a school if they had a teacher - They have a school room already [illeg.] & Every thing ready for the opening of the school. - Will Martha Hanger be able to teach? if so, she can have the [illeg.] - Her board will be furnished [deleted: ] [illeg.] her salary which will be agreed upon [unclear: when] [unclear: she] accepts the place. -

Please inform me at once if she is qualified & willing to take it.

Very respectfully
Your obt servt

Roswell Waldo
ASA Comr

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