Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to Samuel
Jackson, November 6, 1868
Waldo requests that Jackson pay his debt to John Grens.
Bureau RF&AL
4th Div 9 Sub Dist
Saml Jackson Esq
Fishersville Va
Nov. 6. 1868
Staunton, Va
Sir -
I have the honor to enclose herewith your a/c with Jno Grens (c) for this year - [illeg.] $5 [illeg.] [illeg.] his favor - He informs me he is [illeg.] [illeg.] [illeg.] you having refused to pay the same.
I hope, Sir, if this statement be correct, you will lose no time in [unclear: forwarding] the balance due him to this office, as I would regret much to be compelled to take [unclear: com----] means for its collection.
Very respectfully
Your obt
Roswell Waldo
A.S.A. Comr