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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Roswell Waldo to John A. McDonnell, November 23, 1868

Waldo wishes to know a few details about an upcoming school report.

Bureau RF & AL 4th Div 9th Sub Dist Capt Jno A McDonnell
Sub Asst Comr
Winchester Va

Nov. 23/68


Capt: -

I have the honor to request to be informed if the school report to be submitted by Circular 26. from Richmond Oct 21/68 - is to include those schools taught under the auspices of local church societies as well as [deleted: by] A Miss Assn. Also if the form on back of said Circular is to be considered merely as a guide by which a form of proper dimensions is to be made up - or is said report to be submitted on back of the Circular?

Very respectfully

Roswell Waldo
A.S.A. Comr

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