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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to R. M. Manly, May 11, 1867

Jackson's letter answers several questions related to the proposed use of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Staunton as a school building for free children. Jackson encourages the Bureau to contribute to the construction of the church so that it may be finished in time to use as a school.

Bureau R. F. & A L
Sub Dist Augusta & Highland Revd R M Manly
Supt. Education (B.R. F & A L State of Va)

May 11th 1867


I have the honor at the request of Revd N. C. Brackett who is absent on duty at Harpers Ferry to return your communication of Apl 28th 1867

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with this my report of wants of School accomodation at Staunton and the [unclear: deserts] of the M.E. Church (cold) at this place for assistance in their church building.

1st Interrogatory What number of pupils to be provided with School room accomodation in Staunton Va. "I should reply that if all who ought to go to school were brought in the number could be fully five hundred (500)."

2nd Interrogatory "What facilities are already available by rent or otherwise for the future," of course the power to rent is measured by the means [unclear: as command]" At present the means must come from the Bureau R.F.&A.L. which holds [unclear: one] room capacity eighty scholars at a monthly rent of $8.00 for colored children and one room capacity fifty scholars at a monthly rent of $12.00 for white children. The M.E. Church (colored) building heretofore used free of rent as a Freedmans School [added: has been sold] and Vacated." Capacity was 250 Scholars."

3d Interrogatory. What is extent of the accomodation to be provided in the proposed church building? at Staunton" The building in question is 30 x 50 feet with basement 30 x 30 feet this providing much increased accomodation [unclear: over] the old vacated building. Untill the new building is enclosed the [deleted: ] School of upwards of 200 Scholars must [unclear: suspend] its session. Every effort is being made (and has been made) by the colored people to erect the building but means are inadequate and claims by contractors pressing by terms" The Trustees by M.E. Church discippline are forbidden to [unclear: aleviate] [unclear: or encumber] their church trust by written contract but freely and fully consent that the new building shall be used as a School for all Denominations under management of B.R. & AL Teachers in the [illeg.] [illeg.] aid can be afforded [illeg.] knowing the Trustees [unclear: Rector] and in View of

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the great liberality exhibited by them in granting for use of the old building for school purposes so long. I will give any assurance required that the new building shall be available as the old and I do most earnestly recommend that the Bureau R.F.& A.L appropriate a Sum not less than three hundred dollars ($300. 00 ) to be applied by the Trustees of the M.E. Church colored Staunton Va to the completion of their school building under such inspection as the Bureau R F & A L may designate.

In this conviction it may be truly said "He gives twice who gives quickly."

Respectfully Submitted
Yr obt servt

Thos P Jackson

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