Freedmen's Bureau Records: Frederick S. Tukey to W.
Storer How, February 1866
Tukey submits a report on the condition of free blacks in Augusta County, noting
the efforts to build a school, as well as some of the problems faced by the
Report of Bureau Affairs for the Month of February 1866 in Sub-Dist. "B"
W. S. How
A.Q.M. and
6th Dist.
Winchester Va.
I have the honor to submit the following report for the month of February 1866 in Sub. Dist. B.
Augusta County
Since my last report the Freedmen at this point have made some advancement towards a better Condition. By the assistance of the Bureau in furnishing lumber, they have been enabled to fit up and repair a building to answer the double purpose of a church and School House which they purchased for the former purpose, and which promises to be of the greatest advantage to them.
The amount of suffering among the Freedmen is comparitively small. But in cases where there is Extreme privation and are paupers, the Overseers of the Poor invariably deny such admittance to the Poor House on my application thereby setting a defiance the order of the War Department requiring each County to support its own poor. The County Court has issued an order requiring all of its Officers to assist the Bureau in Serving processes, and which if carried out will be of incalculable benefit to the Bureau.
Highland County
Transportation has been so limited that I have been unable to visit this County, consequently cannot say much about it.
I have learned however that like Augusta County the Overseers of the Poor refuse to receive any pauper Freedmen in the Poor House.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt
F.S. Tukey
Sub-Dist B