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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to Orlando Brown, July 31, 1867

Jackson's report mentions two pending cases involving freedmen: one of attempted rape, and the other of disorderly conduct.

Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office 4 Div. 9 S. Dist Va Brig. Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Comr (Bureau R.F. & A.L.)
Richmond (Through HdQrs 9" Sub Dist Va)

July 31 /67

Staunton Va


In compliance with the requirements of C. O. No. 10 S. 1866 (BRF & A.L.) I have the honor to report that during the month of July the county courts of Augusta and Highland counties have held brief sessions at which no important cases involving the rights of Freedmen were passed upon, save an indictment against Thomas Harris (col'd) for attempted rape upon the person of two children, also colored. His counsel obtained a postponement to the February term, for the prisoner.

Several colored women arrested for disorderly conduct and unable to procure bail are in jail and their behavior is very bad, even in prison. It is to be regretted that hard labor cannot be added to imprisonment as the latter alone has no terror for them.

I have the honor to be, General
Yr obt. servt

Thos P. Jackson

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