Freedmen's Bureau Records: John W. Jordan to Orlando
Brown, July 31, 1868
Jordan remarks that he observes different opinions regarding the legal rights of
blacks among different classes of people, but notes that "intelligence,
integrity or moral courage" do not appear to be qualifications necessary to sit
on a jury or preside as a Magistrate in Augusta County.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th
Sub-District, Virginia.
Bvt Brig
Gen. O Brown
Comr &c
Richmond Va
July 31st 1868
In accordance with instructions contained in Par VI. Cir. No 10 Head Quarters Asst Comr B of R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va March 12th 1866 in relation to the result of the operation of the "Order" restoring to the "Civil Courts" jurisdiction over colored persons &c I have the honor to submit the following "Report" concerning same as it pertains to Highland & Augusta Counties.
I have no cases to report wherein any serious or marked injustice has been done a
colored person by any authority vested with the power to institute or regulate
[page 2]
in the Courts - No cases in which colored persons
appeared as parties excepting a few criminal cases have been tried by the Courts
during this month.
Among the reflecting substantial people I think it is manifest that there is as a general thing a disposition to give the freedmen fair and impartial hearings but among the lower classes there is a clearly defined and firmly established determination to obstruct his advancement in every possible way and especially [illeg.] this evident in the manner in which his ignorance of the rules of evidence and blunders are ridiculed.
Whenever I find an intelligent Jury or Magistrate on
the Bench, I find a disposition manifested to give the colored man all that he
is entitled to but it is a deplorable fact that in this
[page 3]
intelligence, integrity, moral courage &c are not considered necessary
qualifications, either in the Magistrates or Jurors.
There is a marked decrease in the number of criminal offenses committed during the month as compared with the months of April, May & June.
There are but few Magistrates whom I trust with the trial or adjudication of cases, believing that my old system of bringing the parties together in my office and settling the difficulty there to be productive of more good to all concerned as well as securing to the parties their just and equitable rights.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your obt
Jno W. Jordan
A.S.A. Comr &c
4th D.
9th S.D.