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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Thomas P. Jackson to John A. McDonnell, July 24, 1867

Jackson gives McDonnell an update on the case between James Carson and Joseph Harrison, which remains to be settled since Carson refuses to pay.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office 4th Division, 9th Sub-District, Virginia, Capt. John A. McDonnell
Sub Asst. Comr

July 24 1867

Staunton, Va.


I respectfully [added: forward] copy of Record of Board of Agents sitting at Staunton June 28/66 and copy of a letter addressed to James E. Carson receipt of which he acknowledged by calling at this office and promising to settle which he has not done and I learn does not intend to do.

Joseph Harrison (c) who is poor states he has no means to sue in County Court amt. being in excess of a Magistrates Court jurisdiction that he fears even these he should not have a fair verdict and further he understands Carson will plead benefit of [unclear: Stay] Law and as judgement by Board of Agents was rendered in his favor while the said Board was empowered by the military to hear and adjudge on such cases, he [unclear: asks] an order from the Maj. Genl. [unclear: Comanding] to enforce the judgement in his favor for $35 95/100 with Interest to June 1/66 $5 11/100 & Int. on $35 95/100 from June 1/66 to date of Settlement. Carson is an old slave dealer

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and was a bitter rebel. He is abundantly able to pay at any time, and an order in his case would cause prompt settlement of several claims made by Freedmen through this office which they have not the means to prosecute in the courts.

Yr. obt. servt

Thos P Jackson

one enclosure

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