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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Orlando Brown to John A. McDonnell, January 26, 1867

Brown asks McDonnell to investigate allegations against Frederick Tukey during his tenure as the Bureau's agent in Augusta County.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner Department of the Potomac Captain J. A. McDonnell
Superintendent &c

January 26th 1867

Richmond, Va.


You will at once [added: personally] investigate into, and report upon the truth of a statement made to these Head Quarters against Mr. F. S. Tukey Asst. Supt for the Counties of Highland and Bath in your district, to the effect that at the time of his former service in the Bureau at Staunton, before his being relieved by Lieut. Cook, he sold clothing which was, or was supposed to be, sent him from benevolent societies for gratuitous distribution.

In the investigation of this matter the teachers of freedmen and Trustees of the church at Staunton, are generally referred to, and in particular a freedman named Oscar Morris, to be found at John Christian's Saloon.

You will also investigate into, and report upon the administration of Bureau Affairs by Mr. Tukey during his former term of service at the above place, and state the reputation he acquired among the several

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classes of the population, as well as the mode in which his office was conducted. The Assessor of Internal Revenue is referred to in this connection.

You will also report in the same manner, and to the same extent, regarding the late administration of Lieut. Cook.

I am Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedt. Servt.

O. Brown
Bvt. Brig. Genl. A.A.A.G.

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