Freedmen's Bureau Records: William L. Herr to John
A. McDonnell, February 7, 1867
Herr's letter attests that he knows of no accusations against Frederick Tukey,
nor of any improper behavior.
Assistant Assessor's Office,
United States Internal Revenue,
1 Division,
6th District, Virginia.
Capt. John A.
Supt. 9th Dist.
Dept. Potomac
Winchester, Va
Febry 7th 1867
This is to certify that I have known Mr F. S. Tukey since August 1865, that I never heard any complaint of him as an officer or gentleman during his former administration as Asst. Supt. of the Freedman's Bureau of this place. On the contrary so far as I know, his management of the affairs of the Bureau gave general satisfaction, that I never heard of any improper intimacy between him and the Rebels and that I considered him a reliable Union man.
Very Respectfully
Wm L. Herr
Asst. Assr.