Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando Brown, September 16, 1865

How requests that the Bureau pay the travelling expenses for several destitute blacks who wish to join family members elsewhere. The letter's wrapper details the channels through which the request passed.

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. Lands
Hd Quarters Sixth District Va Col. O. Brown Asst Comr
Richmond, Va

Sept 16th 1865



I have the honor to apply for transportation for the following named persons, to the places and for the reasons set opposite their names.

Violet Ward, 2 children - colored to Holmes Co. Miss. Her husband & one child, live in Miss. one child here & one in Richmond Catherine Johnson, one child - Colored to Richmond, Va She has five children in Richmond Mahala Montgomery & four children - Colored to Clear Spring - 11 miles from Hagarstown Md. She is unable to support herself here, & has relations there who will support her. Nancy Ellet & 2 children - Cold To Fauquier Co. Va. has 4 children there & former owner

These persons are all destitute, unable to pay their traveling expenses themselves.

I am, Colonel
Very Respectfully,
Your Obed Servant

W. Storer How Capt & A.Q.M.
Supt 6th Dist. Va

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