Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to
Orlando Brown, March 10, 1868
McDonnell describes the organization of the 9th Sub-District, including Augusta
County (in the 4th Division).
Bureau R. F. & A.
Head Qrs 9th Sub-Dist.
Bt. Brig.
Genl' O. Brown
Richmond Va
March 10th 1868
I have the honor to report the following arrangement, made in compliance with Circular No. 1 C.S. from your Head Quarters, viz-
Ninth Sub-District, Va.
1st Division Frederick Co. John A. McDonnell S.A.C. to be at the office of the Bureau Winchester.
2d Division Clarke, Page & Warren Cos. - E. H. Ripley A.S.A.C. to be at Berryville, county seat of Clarke County, at the Courthouse, on the fourth monday of each month, being court day, to remain 2 days, or longer if business demands
To be at Luray County seat of Page County, at the Courthouse on the 15th of each month [added: for two days] or longer if necessary.
To be at Front Royal County seat of Warren County, on Court day, at the office of the Bureau and at all other times when not at Berryville or Luray as above stated.
3d Division Shenandoah & Rockingham
J.T.H. Hall A.S.A.C. will be at Harrisonburg, County seat of Rockingham County at the American Hotel, on the 3rd Monday of each month, being Court day. He will remain two days, or longer if necessary. He will be at his office, Woodstock, county seat of Shenandoah County, the remainder of the month.
4th Division Augusta & Highland Cos.
Thos. P. Jackson, A.S.A.C. Official at Staunton, county seat Augusta Co. will be at Monterey, Co. seat of
Highland County on the 2d Thursday in each month (Court
day) and remain as long as necessary - During
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the rest of the month,
to be found at his office in Staunton.
Very Respectfully
Your Obed.
John A. McDonnell
Sub Asst