Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Will A. Coulter to John W. Jordan, October 28, 1868

Jordan is informed that his postage accounts from his tenure in Augusta County were well over the normal amount, and is asked to clarify the accounts.

Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Hd.Qrs. A.C. Va. Jordan, Jno. W.
A.S.A.C. (thro Hd.Qrs. 7 S.Dist.)

Oct. 28/68

Richmond, Va.


Your postage accounts for the months of July & August, amounting to $15 75/100, has been examinged at these Hd Qrs, and found to be more than triple that of any other A.S.A.C. in the State. The Asst. Comr. desires me to inquire if there has not been some unintentional mistake, and if not, wishes me to express to you his desire for a less extravagant expenditure wihtout interfering with the proper transaction of your official duties.

Yours respty

Will A. Coulter
Bvt. Capt. U.S. Army

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