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Freedmen's Bureau Records: George T. Cook to J. A. Bates, May 23, 1866

Cook reports no current cases of need in his district, but writes that since he only just assumed command of Augusta and Highland Counties, he is not entirely sure that none exist.

Bureau of R. F. and A. L.
Officer of Asst. Supt Sub-Dist "D" Captain Ja's A Bates

May 23d, 1866

Staunton Augusta Co.


In compliance with directions this day recd from Brevet Major W. S. How Supt Sixth Dist, Va I have the honor to forward report required by Circular No. 18 Current Series, direct.

Although I have given publicity to the Order I have as yet received no notice that there are any cases of necessity in this District. I think probable that by the 1st of June some such cases will be reported to me from Rockingham Co. if no others, having only assumed Command of the Counties of Augusta and Highland on the 20th inst. and the order not having been previously acted upon in those Counties I cannot speak from certainty in regards to their reception.

I have the honor to be Captain
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant

Geo. T. Cook
1st Lt and Asst Supt

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