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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Frederick S. Tukey to Orlando Brown, March 11, 1867

Tukey responds to a request from the Assistant Commissioner, and provides a list of six whites and six blacks who can possibly serve as community leaders. Tukey comments on the political attitudes and loyalty of the white citizens, and on the literacy and general character of the black citizens he lists.

Bvt. Brig. Genl O. Brown
Richmond, Va.

March 11th 1867

Staunton, Va.


I have the honor to report in compliance with yours of the 8th inst. the names of six white citizens and six Freedmen of Augusta County, Va. who I think answer all the points mentioned in yours.

1st. David Fultz - a Lawyer by profession, of eminent legal attainments, a consistent loyal man during the war and since, an "old line Whig" stands politically on middle ground between the President and Congress, is opposed to the "[unclear: Sherman] Bill" as a means of punishing the south, but very decided in his opinions, that Davis, Lee and all the leading spirits of the rebellion should be hung, expresses these sentiments freely to loyal and disloyal, capable of filling any position in the State.

2nd John B. Evans, Merchant, an "old line Whig," moderate and conservative, is a representative man of the middle class of southern Society, known to have entertained Union sentiments through the war, neither of the above mentioned men held any position whatever under the Confederate Govt.

3d John W. Alby, Merchant - an "old line Whig," moderate and highly conservative, has always been in favor of accepting the "constitutional ammendment," held no position under Confederate Gov't, and is perfectly reliable under all circumstances.

4th Edward M. Cushion - Commission Merchant & Auctioneer, an "old line Whig" was a general Supt in the Q.M. Dept. under the Confederate Govt. and is now a Magistrate, is much respected by all classes of white and black, was for many years a leader of a colored class in the M.E. Church and is much respected by Freedmen, very conservative upon the doctrine of secession, and denounces the Southern press generally.

5th Jacob Stover - an "old line Whig" loyal all through the war, had a Son in the federal Army, a man of intelligence and reliability, and all right.

6th John M. Gates - "old line Whig" loyal through the war, for which he was twice imprisoned in [unclear: Castle Thunder], has the confidence and respect of all classes. Post Office address, "Mount Sidney," Va. at which place he is P.M.

This completes the six, and the Post Office addresses of all, except the last, is Staunton, Va. I have been particular to select men who would answer all your requirements, and at the same time, have mentioned some points not alluded to by you.


1st John Christian, keeps an eating Saloon, is a man of good sound, common sense, and writes a very good hand, is all right in sentiment and principle, and repsected by both races.

2nd James Carter - Farmer, writes a very good hand, is a Christian man, and much respected by both races.

3d - Frank Overton. Laborer, writes his name indifferently, but has good common sense and the respect of all classes.

4th Jacob Thornton. Laborer, writes his name, is intelligent, and answers all the points.

5th, Henry Davinport - cannot read or write, but has a high degree of practical common sense, and eminently noted for his piety, and it is said (I cannot vouch for the truth of it) that when he prays in a building that has a shingled roof, the roof always has to be patched the next day.

6th Wright Boldin. Laborer and is all right.

It will necessarily take me several days, and perhaps a week, to obtain the desired information from Highland County, for there are not probably more than one hundred Freedmen in the Co. and they are so scattered, that it will be very hard to ascertain their whereabouts, and select suitable ones.

Very Respectfully,

F.S. Tukey, Asst. Supt.

Should you, judging from my description of the white men, think that either one of them will not answer the purpose, you can substitute the name of John Parris, an old line Whig and all right. Post Office Address, Staunton, VA

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