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Freedmen's Bureau Records: William J. Dews to Orlando Brown, July 8, 1868

Dews applies to Brown for employment in the Bureau or other branch of government. Dews was once a member of the Freedman's Court in Staunton, and claims that he is presently unable to find work in his profession because he remained loyal to the Union during the war.

Brvt. Brig. Gen. O. Brown
Asst. Comr.
Bureau R. F. & A. L.

July 8th, 1868



I have the honor to make the following brief statement, and application, to which, I venture to hope, you will accord a favourable consideration.

I claim to have been strictly a loyal man to the U.S. Gov. during the Rebellion - have ever been so - refusing to aid the Rebel Gov., at the point of the Bayonet, in this city. After suffering, more than I should be willing to inflict upon you in a communication, or otherwise, I made my escape through the lines.

I am a native Virginian, and after the suppression of the Rebellion, returned to Staunton (Augusta County), at which place I became connected with the Bureau R. F. & A. L. as Comr. or agent,

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on the part of the Freedmen; and also clerk for Mr. F. S. Tukey, then Asst. Supt. of that Sub-Dist. After the Freedman's Court was abolished by orders I was connected with the U.S. B.C. at Staunton. Upon the completion of the work returned to Richmond where I have attempted to resume my profession (I am a teacher of Music) but owing to the fact of being well known as an uncompromising Union man, having been connected with the Bureau, and having testified before the "Reconstruction Committee" (to which I beg leave to call your attention) I find it totally impossible to make a support for myself and child at my profession on account of the direct and indirect influences operating against the interests of loyal men. Having no means I have no resources but to seek employment in some branch of the Gov.

In view of these circumstances, General, I herewith respectfully make application to you for a clerkship or any situation in your gift in your Dept. where I could be useful and derive a support for myself and child.

I refer to Mr. F. S. Tukey, Asst. Supt. in Caroline County, Lieut. Lahea Asst. Supt. at Farmville, Prince Edward County, and will present the [unclear: endorsation]

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of loyal citizens of Richmond. I will have certificates from [unclear: Messrs.] Tukey and Lahea in a few days.

I take occasion to say General, that I should not have intruded thus upon your time, but for the circumstances of my case, and the urgent necessity of employment.

Trusting to the kind consideration of this communication, at your hands,

I am General,
With Respect
Your Obt. Srvt.

Wm. J Dews

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