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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Ellen Sanderson to O. O. Howard, October 12, 1868

The original letter, from Ohio, inquires after a woman and her children living in Augusta County whose husband lives in Ohio. The letter asks about the possibilty of the family coming to Ohio to be reunited. The attached endorsements describe the situation of Catharine Crawford White, and the possibility of procuring Bureau support for her transport.

Post Office Maj Genl O.O. Howard
Commissioner Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Washington DC

October 12th 1868

Springfield, Ohio,


One Beverly White, colored, living in this place for several years past, asks me to write you to know whether transportation could be furnished by the Bureau to his wife & 2 children living at Mount Meridian Augusta County Virginia to this place. He left there seven years ago and now wants to get his family to this place, his home. Will you please advise me what the Bureau can do for him & oblige

Yours &c

Ellen Sanderson

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