Freedmen's Bureau Records: William J. Dews to O. O.
Howard, May 20, 1866
Dews asks for remuneration for the services he has performed for the Bureau in
Augusta County. His letter mentions his own loyalty to the Union cause, and the
difficulties it has caused him. Dews actual position in Staunton, was as
magistrate on the Freedmen's Courts, but attached endorsements to his letter
indicate that he received very little money in fees from the court, and was paid
by the Bureau at a clerk's salary.
Major General O Howard
Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.
Washington, D.C.
May 20th 1866
Staunton, Augusta County, Va.
I have the honor to respectfully request your attention to the following statement and request: Since the first of January of this year, I have been serving as agent on the part of the Freedmen, in the Bureau R.F. & A. Lands, in this town. I consented to serve at the request of the Asst. Supt., when it was not at all probable that another person could have been induced to occupy the position, owing to the noted disloyalty of the Citizens, and the prejudice existing against the existance of the Bureau. I am a poor man and owing to the prejudice against me, on account of my known loyalty to the Government, and my connection with the Bureau, I have but exceedingly limited means to support myself.
Therefore I respectfully ask that you will use your influence and power, as Chief of the Bureau, with the view to accord to me remuneration, however moderate, for the service I have rendered to the Freedmen; every one of whom would cheerfully endorse this application if it was deemed necessary, and I do further assure you I should not have made this application but for my pecuniary embarrasment, as I served without expectation of pecuniary reward.
I am a returned refugee, an unconditional loyal man, and a Virginian. With reference to this application, allow me to refer you to Mr. F.S. Tukey, Asst. Supt. at this place.
I am Sir, Your obt. srvt.
Wm J Dews