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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Lease between George D. Harris and John A. McDonnell, January 1, 1867

Harris leases the upper floor of a building to the Bureau in Staunton for an unspecified purpose.

This agreement made this first day of January 1867, between George D. Harris of Staunton, Augusta County, State of Virginia, party of the first part, and Captain John A. McDonnell V.R.C. Superintendent 9th District, Dept. of the Potomac, for and in behalf of the Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part agrees upon the terms hereinafter contained, to lease to the said party of the second part, for the use of the Bureau R.F. & A.L. from the first day of January 1867, for one year but the said party of the second part to be at liberty to terminate this Lease at the end of any month from the date hereof, the following described premises: the upper story of a frame building situated on South East corner of New and New Court House Sts. opposite Virginia Hotel Corp. Staunton, State of Va.

And the said John A. McDonnell Capt. Suptn for and in behalf of the said Bureau R.F. and A.L. hereby agrees to pay the said George D. Harris Eight (8) dollars per month, for each month from the date hereof, at its expiration, and at the expiration of this Lease to deliver possession of the said property to the said party of the first part or his successors, in as good condition as the same now is, loss by fire or other unavoidable accident, and reasonable wear and tear excepted."

Signed sealed and delivered in the presences of Frederick S. Tukey, Witness

George [added: his X Mark] D. Harris

John A. McDonnell
Captain V.R.C. Supt. 9th Dist. Va. for Bureau R.F. & A.L.

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