Freedmen's Bureau Records: Samuel Hunt to R. M.
Manly, October 12, 1865
Hunt informs Manly that the American Missionary Association will be sending the
two teachers requested by Frederick Tukey to Staunton, via Richmond. He also
alludes to difficulties the organization is facing, but does not elaborate.
All money letters, and letters concerning packages of clothing &c should
be addressed to W. E. Whiting, 61 John Street, New York
American Missionary
Rev. Geo. Whipple, Rev. M. E. Strieby, Secs., Lewis Tappan, Treas., W. E.
Whiting, Asst. Treas.
R. M. Manly, Esq
Supt of Schools Va
Oct 12 1865
No. 61 John Street,
New York
Yours of the 4th inst. was duly received, and should perhaps have been answered
earlier. But the great uncertainties which have hitherto enveloped our work -
rapidly however assuming the form of uncertainties
most adverse to the successful prosecution of our work, at least under former
auspices, have detained us from advancing, lest out progress should be suddenly
arrested by some new "order" or more,
[page 2]
of the Govt.
In regard however to the call from Staunton, we have concluded to respond, and send the ladies requested by Mr Tukey. Accordingly I shall send for them at the same time I drop this note to you, and another to Mr Tukey. If then I do not receive any orders countermanding your request, I shall dispatch Mrs. Dunn and her sister to Richmond to your care, supposing that, that is the most direct route to Staunton.
If there are any reasons why we should not forward them to you, please apprise us of the fact by return mail.
Very truly yours
Sam'l Hunt, for the Secy