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Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to R. M. Manly, May 6, 1867

McDonnell summarizes the spaces available for schools throughout the Ninth District, enclosing a more detailed report from Augusta County.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters 9th District Department of the Potomac, R. M. Manly
Supt. Education
Richmond Va.

May 6th 1867

Winchester, Va.,


I have the honor to enclose report of agent for Augusta & Highland Cos. and to report concerning the remainder of this Dist., as follows, at Harrisonburg, Rockingham Co. church owned by Freedmen, Rent Free, Capacity 100, can be used as long as required -- Woodstock, Shenandoah Co., Room in private dwelling, owned by a Freedman, Rent free, Capacity 75, can be had for one year from May 1, 67.

Front Royal, Va. Warren Co. Church owned by Freedpeople, Rent free, capacity 40, can be had as long as desired but is too small for Winter school.

Winchester, Fredk. Co. - 4 Rooms, rented by Bureau, owned by A.S. Griffith, $30 per mo. is paid for Building, 3 rooms of which are used for Bureau offices [added: (capacity 400)] can probably be had another year -- at White Hall, Fredk Co. Schoolhouse, lately repaired by the Freedpeople, owned by Society of Friends, can be had, rent free, as long as required.

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It will accomodate about 50 scholars.

Schools are now being held in the places referred to except at Whitehall and Front Royal. The School at Front Royal was held, the past winter in a building hired by Bureau, which has been given up, and leased to other parties. At Whitehall, no teacher has been sent, tho' the Freedpeople are very anxious one should be, and as the people in the neighborhood are quite generally loyal, a teacher would find it easy to obtain board on reasonable terms.

Very Respectfully
Your Obed Servt

John A. McDonnell
Capt V.R.C.
Sub.Asst. Comr.

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