Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: R. M. Manly to Thomas P. Jackson, March 14, 1868

Manly inquires if Jackson knows of a place where an elderly woman could start an independent freedmen's school with her own means.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner, District of Virginia Thos. P. Jackson

March 14 1868

Richmond, Va.


A communication from Mrs. Cheney sec. Teachers Com. of the N.E. Branch F.U.Com. inquires after "some healthy location, high, where it would be safe to stay in summer . . where a lady who wishes to teach the Freedmen can start a new school. She prefers new scholars with whom she can carry out her own methods. She is an elderly lady who has had great experience in teaching and is highly recommended &c. She goes without salary and only expects school house fuel &c to be furnished - will probably be accompanied by an assistant."

If you know of any place which will meet or nearly meet these requirements please give a full account of it as soon as possible as the parties wish to enter their work at once.

Very Respy

R.M. Manly
Sup. Education

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