Freedmen's Bureau Records: A. B. Corliss to R. M.
Manly, September 9, 1868
Corliss announces his intent to set off for Staunton, presumably to serve as a
teacher. He asks Manly if he should expect opposition when he arrives.
The American Missionary Association,
(Central Office, 53 John Street, New York) has been working twenty years for the
African race. Since the beginning of the Rebellion it has turned special
attention to the Freedmen. Whatever a wise Christian benevolence prompts in
their behalf, by way of Common Schools, Normal Schools, Orphan Homes, Relief of
the suffering, and direct religious effort, the Association undertakes, to the
full extent of the means furnished by the friends of the colored people.
Rev. Manly
Sept. 9th 1868
Princeton, N.J.
Yours of the 7th inst. is at hand. We are laying our plans to go to Staunton, and
will start as soon as possible. It may take us till the 15th of Oct. to raise money enough for our support. We are
having good success now. Please give me the names of some of the leading Colored
men at Staunton, and the name of the Bureau officer there. Do you
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think we shall encounter much opposition there?
Can we have a school house free of rent?
Truly yours
A.B. Corliss