Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Edward P. Smith to R. M. Manly, February 27, 1869

Smith refers to the unused transportation voucher of a Staunton teacher, a Miss Davison.

American Missionary Association
No. 53 John Street, Rev. R. M. Manly
Richmond Va.

Feb. 27th 1869

New York,

Dear Sir:

Permit me to call your attention to our communication of the 12th ult, addressed to you as State Supt. of Ed., Bu. R.F. & A.L., enclosing blanks for collecting unused transn of Miss S.W. Davison, a teacher at Staunton, Va., for your approval.

If the blanks are now in your hands will you please refer them with the request for approval to Gen. O. Brown, Ass't. Comr &c at Richmond, and oblige,

Yours Very Truly

Edw. P. Smith
Genl. Field Agt.

per Reeves

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