Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Edward P. Smith to R. M. Manly, April 20, 1869

Manly asks for relief to help pay the rent on a school room in Staunton.

American Missionary Association,
No. 53 John Street
The American Missionary Association, (Central Office, 53 John Street, New York) has been working twenty years for the African race. Since the beginning of the Rebellion it has turned special attention to the Freedmen. Whatever a wise Christian benevolence prompts in their behalf, by way of Common Schools, Normal Schools, Orphan Homes, Relief of the suffering, and direct religious effort, the Association undertakes, to the full extent of the means furnished by the friends of the colored people. Col. R. M. Manly
Assist. Comr Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Richmond, Va.

20 April 1869

New York,

Dear Sir

I find that we are obliged to pay seventeen dollars ($17.00) per month rent for the school building at Staunton, Va. In opening the school at Staunton we made no provision for this expense.

Can you not relieve from it, to date from April 1st. John Scott, our teacher and agent there, will secure the signing of the proper vouchers.

Hoping that you will be able to favor us with this relief.

I am
Very Respectfully
Your Ob'dt Serv't.

Edw. P. Smith
Gen. Field Agent A.M.A.

per M.S.C.

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