Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: R. M. Manly to Thomas P. Jackson, October 9, 1867

Manly informs Jackson that Mary Rowell is available to teach in Staunton. He writes about the limited resourses available for teacher support and that the local community will be expected to provide for her board.

Thos P. Jackson Agt

Oct. 9 1867

My Dear Sir

Miss Mary S. Rowell is the lady of whom I wrote you. She is now in Nelson Co. and I will direct her to report to you within a few days. The society that commissions her (the N.Y. Branch Freedmen's Union Commission) expect the freedmen to raise the means to meet the expense of her board. In fact all the associations everywhere will, this year, insist upon the people helping themselves to some extent, and the general expectation is that the teachers will collect 10 cents per week from each pupil. The associations are all very much restricted in their means and feel obliged to make what they have serve as many schools as possible. Will you advise and assist Miss Rowell in reaching the above result. If possible I will procure an assistant for her. Thank you for your prompt response.

Very Respy

R. M. Manly
Sup Education

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