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Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to A. F. Terry, September 15, 1865

How informs General A. F. Terry of his plans to travel with General Ayers through parts of western Virginia. He gives instructions for Frederick Tukey in his absence.

Gen Terry

Sept 15th 1865

I met Genl Ayers here last evening. He is making a tour of his District and will go over into Page, Warren & Clark co's. As I determined to accompany him instead of going straight to Winchester, where I shall now arrive in Tuesday. The opportunity is a good one for observing the condition of the Freedmen in these [unclear: rebellious] counties, and I hope to persuade the Genl to send troops there, though he has but four (4) companies of Inf and 2 of Cav in his Command.

[unclear: Tell] Mr Tukey to look up that woman who stole the "body". "Marian" something. Mr [unclear: Sipee] will perhaps know where she lives. She wist him to come to me yesterday morning to be sent to jail, but evidently doesn't want to go. Had she come I should have scolded her and let her off, but as it is, I wist the Provost Marshall to put her in for three (3) days. Tell Mr. Tukey also to take possession of Mr Campbells [unclear: house] as abandoned property and make such disposition of it as he should judge best [unclear: collecting] rents due, giving notices to quit, &c.

Also to see that the man who maltreated the Freedmen at the -- Furnace got their deserts at the hands of the Provost Marshall. Take the [unclear: census] in hand and copy the census of Staunton first, in the [unclear: proper blanks].


W Storer How Capt

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