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Freedmen's Bureau Records: J. H. Remington to W. Storer How, November 6, 1866

Remington asks How if he knows anything about the claim of a Doctor Shelton. The paperwork for the claim appears to be missing.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & A Lands
Head Quars 9th Dist. Dept of Potomac W. Storer How
late Capt & Bt. Major A.Q.M. Supt

Nov. 6th 1866

Dr Sir

There has just been referred to me for information, a letter of Geo. T. Cook, Lt & Asst Supt. at Staunton, asking for information from the Quartermaster General as to the disposition made of and the action taken on some papers forwarded by F. S. Tukey, in April or May last, viz. Claim of Doctor J. W. Shelton of Augusta Co. for one Horse seized or stolen by a U.S. Soldier. [illeg.] This letter on being forwarded to Genl O. Brown A.A.A.G. was returned with endorsement stating that these papers were returned to Mr. Shelton thro' W.S. How Bt. Maj. & Supt at Winchester on the 9th of April last, informing him that the Q.M. General could not assist him. Lt. Cook reforwarded his letter stating that the papers seem to have been reforwarded by Mr. Tukey since which time nothing has been heard from them. This was referred to me as stated

[page 2]
at the outset. [unclear: It seems] the matter appears on [deleted: rec] this office.

Can you give me any information concerning it?

Very Respectfully
Your Obedt Servt

J.H. Remington
Capt & Bt Major V.R.C.
Supt 9th Dist.

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